There seems to be a disconnect between what most parents want for their children's education and the realities occurring. What I'm seeing is a majority people agree with the premise of this post, yet they think that THEIR local public school is not like this--their child's school is somehow different. They don't think far-left indoctrination is happening at their child's school. But it is, and the societal results reflect the fact that masses of parents are out-of-touch with what's REALLY happening at their local schools.

Many parents send their kids off to the local institutions and they don't realize their children are experiencing settings and atmospheres like this: https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1665697561640935426

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Yes, I could try to address this common bit of magical thinking. But I wanted to keep this piece about as simple as I could keep it.

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Yes, this is exactly what I’m seeing. “Our school district is different” and “there are a lot of Christian teachers and staff in our schools.”

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