Very true. Rather than trust a single canonical source. I think it’s important to cultivate a distributed network of smaller specialist commentators that you trust on different issues.
This. Yes. I stopped listening to the news when I became bored with every news channel repeating the same 5 or 6 stories. CNN would cover the same half dozen stories all day (it was on where I worked all day to track the market).
But the finessed perspective described above took many years to materialize fully. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
It really does take an attitude of humility to concede that nobody who isn't wholly dedicated to the matter can hope to navigate reality on their own, let alone political reality. Simply understanding the world is a collective effort, where those involved must meaningfully trust one another. This is where Christiandom can be said to provide the foundation of integrity necessary for the great works and developments we have seen within its remit.
That aside, furthering our own capabilities as a cultural force relies on us developing formal and informal authorities who are trusted to direct our attention knowingly and in our interests. Then, as smaller groups or as individuals, we are able to use our judgement to act independently yet in alignment. The whole "cathedral" concept is really a petty rebrand of basic principles of human action at scale. "Petty" because if it only were centered around literal cathedrals we would not be in such decline. A "rebrand" because this has been intuitively understood by aristocrats for all of recorded history.
Individual pride which keeps us from acting together really is a grave sin. While arguably a defense mechanism when no authority appears capable of being on our side, it becomes learned helplessness if this attitude prevents us from finding a way to cut through the noise such that we can come together again.
In short, it's one leap of faith to stop listening to your enemies, it's another to start listening to your friends. For example, listening to them when they tell you to join the Old Glory Club!
"How do you stay informed?" Is the question I get. Funny that the spoon-feeding is seen as being informed.
"But how do you get your hit if you go off drugs?"
Very true. Rather than trust a single canonical source. I think it’s important to cultivate a distributed network of smaller specialist commentators that you trust on different issues.
Last line is the best!
This. Yes. I stopped listening to the news when I became bored with every news channel repeating the same 5 or 6 stories. CNN would cover the same half dozen stories all day (it was on where I worked all day to track the market).
But the finessed perspective described above took many years to materialize fully. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
It really does take an attitude of humility to concede that nobody who isn't wholly dedicated to the matter can hope to navigate reality on their own, let alone political reality. Simply understanding the world is a collective effort, where those involved must meaningfully trust one another. This is where Christiandom can be said to provide the foundation of integrity necessary for the great works and developments we have seen within its remit.
That aside, furthering our own capabilities as a cultural force relies on us developing formal and informal authorities who are trusted to direct our attention knowingly and in our interests. Then, as smaller groups or as individuals, we are able to use our judgement to act independently yet in alignment. The whole "cathedral" concept is really a petty rebrand of basic principles of human action at scale. "Petty" because if it only were centered around literal cathedrals we would not be in such decline. A "rebrand" because this has been intuitively understood by aristocrats for all of recorded history.
Individual pride which keeps us from acting together really is a grave sin. While arguably a defense mechanism when no authority appears capable of being on our side, it becomes learned helplessness if this attitude prevents us from finding a way to cut through the noise such that we can come together again.
In short, it's one leap of faith to stop listening to your enemies, it's another to start listening to your friends. For example, listening to them when they tell you to join the Old Glory Club!