As I explained on Lambster last weekend, “What the Right and Christians Must Learn from Each Other”, egalitarians hold a view of man as alienated from God and each other through our differences. This tragic alienation can only be resolved by losing our differences and being reabsorbed.
…tragic alienation will continue, until that day, inevitable and determined, in which God and man will be fused into one cosmic blob.
– Murray Rothbard on Hegel and “alienation and return”1
With much help from folks in the chat for my Telegram channel, here is a list of differences and how egalitarians are trying to deal with each of them.
Race: Denial. "Race is a social construct". But also, races should be mixed together.
Culture: Denial. No culture is better than another, all should be respected. Except for European culture of course.
IQ: Denial, but also send everyone to college.
Knowledge: Denial. All opinions are valid. But you must listen to the experts.
Sex: Denial. "Gender" is a spectrum that you can slide around on at will.
Health: Denial. Obesity is healthy!
Religion: Denial, all religions are really the same underneath. But also, ecumenism. ("See the Catholic Church post-Vatican II pushing for a one-world, ecumenical, unitarian religion." - Man Among the Ruins)
Art: Denial. All art is equally beautiful, meaningful and technically brilliant.
Sports Performance: Denial. Participation trophies. Men in women's sports. Soon, fat acceptance movement starts pushing to eliminate weight classes in combat sports. (Thanks to Helmut Spargel.)
Geography: Being in different places is unfair. Mass immigration will mix us all up.
Class (classical Marxist approach): Eat the rich. We'll all be proles together.
Class (new technocratic approach): Destroy the poor. Replace them with bots. Only the enlightened ones are needed anymore. (On this, see the prophetic That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis!)
Murray N. Rothbard, An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Volume II: Classical Economics (1995, Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006), p. 358.
Their denial of reality is evidence of their hate of being.